Later on, Daniel notices more infected have gotten in. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) "People don't change. On the road, Daniel and Strand leave to find water while the rest continue to lead the walkers down the road. Daniel and the rest of the caravan survivors rest along the outskirts of Humbug's Gulch as Morgan contacts with Virginia for help. Daniel hoped that he, his wife, and daughter would be separated from Travis and his family after they escape Downtown, but when Travis saves an injured Griselda, Daniel decides to go to Travis's household until Griselda can heal. Before she goes, Daniel gives her his gun and tells her they will escape together. Daniel suggests they post guards at the dam's entryways and use the explosives as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the dam if the Proctors don't negotiate with them. She became the Chief Water Utility Officer of the local Gonzalez Dam in her adulthood, and was responsible for treating and distributing the water.[1]. With Lola's death, none of the main characters introduced in the third season are still alive. The wires start to snap so Morgan instructs everyone to cross the bridge without the cars. Daniel asks Efran whether he used to be a priest. Dante pushes Pablito over the edge despite his pleas of innocence. He knows that Adams is a good person and tells him that the deeper he goes, the more sensitive the nerve becomes, resulting in more pain. Daniel then tells Dwight he wants to cut his hair, claiming it will make him look more presentable. Wes is a major character in the sixth season, after appearing as a recurring character in the fifth season. She asks about Ofelia. Daniel, Efran and an injured Everado race down the road in a water tanker with an angry mob in pursuit. Daniel awakens as Lola is pulling out a knife. Strand asks if he could borrow his plane to find his friends. Daniel explains that Rollie was a cult member, and that this was how the cult found out they were coming to the sub. Later, two dam janitors, Pablito and Everardo discover Daniel while cleaning out corpses from a sewage pipe. Lola wants to continue providing water to the people but Daniel wants to be more careful. Then, Daniel informs Madison that Nick has arrived at the dam. Angrily yelling that Charlie isn't his daughter, Daniel pistol-whips Strand and prepares to kill him. He finds Ofelia lifeless and hugs her. She manages to take Grace hostage and Hill grabs Daniel hostage and the pair back their way to a station wagon where Hill is ordered to take the captives to a rendezvous. Former Chief Security Officer for the Gonzalez Dam, The casting call for this character used the name, Daniel was described as "60s. Later, after reuniting with Victor, he appears to be somewhat saddened to learn of Nick's death. She has been running water to them from the dam. Everyone except Daniel stands as Dante enters the room. Lola is disappointed, saying this place is perfect for him. It's the usual suspects when Daniel Salazar (Rubn Blades) gets to the bottom of a walker whodunit in Sunday's Fear the Walking Dead. Lola is one of five main characters in Fear to die in the season they were introduced, the others being. Daniel is one of only three remaining cast members from Fear the Walking Dead season 1, the others being Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) and Strand (Colman . Liza says that everything that could be done was and that she is sorry. After Daniel has had some time to heal, he helps Efran scavenge for goods. Outside the dam, Daniel is escorted around the community. Daniel eventually attacks him and they fight for the gun. Before she can do further damage, she is shot twice by Proctor John, with the second bullet going into her head and killing her instantly. Shortly thereafter, the group returns to the parking space where they left the three cars. In the old world, Lola Guerrero worked for the water utility Poragua, responsible for water treatment in the Gonzalez Dam outside of Tijuana and water distribution throughout the city and its environs. She leaves as he leads them away. Unknown Efran hands him some liquor to swig before she starts scraping off the burns, while singing to him. After seeing Efran's corpse, she sees Victor on one of the security cameras and becomes enraged. Daniel rules she is the new leader of Gonzalez Dam and is the new "Dante" now. Daniel is knocked back, unconscious. They hide as a vehicle of armed men drive by. However, Daniel sees him as a good person since he is aware he has a relationship with his daughter. Daniel's ( Rubn Blades) memory loss is guiding him to believe his daughter, Ofelia (Mercedes Mason), is still alive and because he'll do anything to find her, that's a real liability . Charlie helps Daniel look for the weapons inside everyone's tents. She is ready to fight against that. They ditch their trucks and make the journey on foot. Charlie asks if she can come along but he says her friends need her more. Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. She was born and raised in the US after her parents moved to Los Angeles, California. They then manage to find shelter inside an abandoned restaurant. While he doesn't physically appear, Daniel appears in a flashback as a hallucination to Ofelia while she is nearly passed out, insisting she stay awake. He then nods in acceptance at Strand before leaving to continue his task. Walkers reach the inner gate. Efrain takes his wounded friend to a woman named Lola, who uses a razor to slice off the burnt, infected skin from Daniel's leg and bandages him together with a crutch. They show him a map where he had clearly marked the caverns. He has raised an American daughter. As Strand and Alicia prepare to go, Daniel refuses to join them as he can't leave Charlie when she's in such a state and needs him. One of the walkers sets off the gun, which shatters the glass and allows the walkers to break free. Daniel calls Strand and Madison over so the crew can fix the fence. When she hesitates, he asks if she thinks the traitors in Tank Town should die. Strand and Charlie then arrive in a truck with the plane in the back. Just as he is about to say the bad news, he falls asleep. Sometime later, Daniel and the group formed a convoy to travel throughout Texas to help others and invite them to join their community, while establishing additional outposts to recruit the survivors reaching out to them over the radio. Daniel reveals to Luciana that Strand had tried to convince him that Charlie is Ofelia and continue what Luciana had started. Status: on hiatus. "By taking others," Daniel says. Daniel says all but, "I told you so." Daniel Salazar is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. If she trades with Madison, there will be bloodshed. She insists she needs more janitors to help keep the water clean. Daniel plays music over the radio as a storm approaches. Daniel then joins the group on their mission to help people to honor Ofelia's memory. Daniel points his gun at Victor upon realizing Ofelia isn't here. Finally arriving at the coordinates, Daniel and the rest of the group exit the SWAT van, but find no one there. After Madison escapes the Safe Zone for a brief venture out into the Dead Zone, she openly confides in Daniel what she saw. TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Wes will appear in this season. Daniel is confident the group will survive just fine and that Strand's interference will only make the situation worse for them based on their past history with each other. After Victor saves his life from a herd, Daniel appears to finally forgive him and tells Victor he's no longer going to shoot him in the face. He answers someone's questions and says he felt hopeful on the day it began. Lola and Victor didn't interact very much while he stayed at the dam with Madison. Occupation "You're dying," the man tells him in Spanish. Strand insists he doesn't know. A few years after her death, Daniel admits to Charlie that he hadn't been able to let Ofelia go or let himself say goodbye. First Appearance Andrew reappears and threatens Daniel with a gun. Daniel tells Lola that he led J.C. to Efran's hideout because J.C. was about to discover the fountain. Their discussion is interrupted by Rangers opening fire on the group from the roof, forcing them to take cover, while the herd closes in from the other side. After Chris, Alicia and Nick express that they want to grab supplies on the island but Madison and Travis say its too dangerous, Daniel offers he will go with them and keep watch. Tess asks Daniel if the coast is clear. As the three families leave in three different vehicles, Daniel has to briefly step out in order to open the gates, which have been left unguarded as the soldiers took their leave. Daniel is treated by Lola. The first being. Lola and Efran distribute water to a crowd. Deeply saddened by the death of her close friend, she is instilled with a desire for revenge. As he prepares to swing a hammer at Efrain, Lola runs over and stops him, outing herself as Efran's accomplice. Madison, however, questions whether the truth of it is Daniel being afraid to face his daughter. "Sleigh Ride" Daniel tells Madison that they can use Reed's relationship to Connor as leverage over Connor. Lola escorts him out of the room. Daniel is approached by Walker and presented with a cross pendant necklace. They then tie them all together. They make a run to Travis' truck, where on the way Griselda is pinned by collapsed scaffolding after riot officers unleash a high-pressure hose on it. Alicia tries to remind Daniel that Ofelia is dead and that Strand had helped Daniel search for her in Mexico but Ofelia got sick and they didn't get there in time. Luckily, a truck pulls up and rescues them from the angry mob. Daniel is highly suspicious that Strand is responsible for the missing weapons in Valley Town and goes so far as to threaten to torture him to get the weapons back. Instead of seeing the infected, he hallucinates all of the people he has killed when Griselda emerges from the crowd and smiles. Daniel also finally cuts Dwights hair and beard, giving him a new look. Madison tells Daniel about what she saw outside the curfew zone. "Take the gun, Daniel," a man tells him. They finally find her. Lola Guerrero, also known as "La Reina del Agua" (meaning The Water Queen), is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. When the group returns with Charlie, she attempts to play some music for him. Victor easily forgives Daniel, stating that "we all are at times" before walking away with a smile. Daniel continues to deny knowing her. Daniel and Efran urge her to stay behind for her safety, but she insists on joining them. Madison then asks if they got the information they needed, possibly surprising him as he thought of her as "weak". At the naval base, Daniel hears someone's transmission over the SWAT van's radio, just as the others rush outside. There's good news and bad news for Fear the Walking Dead fans. He lowers his gun. The tape concludes with everyone pleading with future survivors to help others. They argue over whether to stay or not and eventually decide to stay, where they'll deal with the walkers and Virginia. Strand shoots Daniel in the chin in front of Lola. Daniel invents an excuse for her. As he approaches the doors, the herd of infected inside senses his presence and begins banging on the doors. He rejects Daniel's belief that people are plotting to overtake the dam and maintains that Lola should release the water to everyone. While torturing Adams, Daniel suggested that he was often put into the position of choosing whether he would be the torturer or the tortured in a situation. Daniel tells his interrogator that everything changed after that moment. Daniel and Chris have a stable relationship. At night, Daniel and Grace teach Charlie how to play guitar. Efran and Daniel eat dinner at Efran's hideout. "The ceiling was collapsing. Daniel tried to change Lola's mind but couldn't, but he won't abandon her because she saved his life and tells her that he plans to stay at the dam to protect Lola. In the headquarters of the dam, Lola and Daniel debate plans for preparing for attacks. He see's Chris and welcomes him, and encourages him to help him fish. Family Lola and Efran are close friends and work together to provide water to the needy behind Dante's back. Genre (s): Drama, Science Fiction. He orders Daniel to torture Efran until he reveals the person who helps him steal the water, and offers Daniel weapons to torture Efran with. Lola insists, there is nothing left to discuss. Due to their native language being Spanish, the two often use it to converse with each other. Strand sees that he is clearly unravelling very quickly. Daniel completes some psychological tests for June. Daniel treats the wound that Reed sustained from the crowbar. Morgan suggests he talk to someone. Daniel and Alicia are not shown interacting much, but it can be assumed that they have a stable relationship. In "Things Left to Do," Strand is ordered to kill Daniel, but he turns on Virginia instead. Water starts to drip from the fountain, leaving Daniel torn on what to do, if they see the water flow from the fountain they will know that it was Lola's doing. The communication cuts out as Logan interrupts the signal and says they need to chat. Strand admits he secretly kept a gun but insists he didn't take the other weapons. Suddenly, Virginia drives up and offers to help, explaining she's been following them and can't believe they used extra resources to help Grace. She goes off to follow him, only leading to her death. Three weeks after the Abigail farm was abandoned, while Strand sits in a cell imprisoned by Dante Esquivel, someone brings him a canteen of water. She immediately recognizes Daniel. Lola Guerrero worked at the Gonzalez Dam, for the water utility Poragua, before The Fall. I want to believe this, but my mind is not clear. He also wants to get his hands on the weapons that . The basement is infested with walkers, so they have to find another place to shelter at. Daniel and Victor have a very untrustworthy and tense relationship. Lola did care for them, as they were friends of Daniel and offered them a place to sleep for the night. Daniel worries that the area is too hostile, but Lola argues that giving the residents water will help avoid further resentment. Daniel joins the rest of the Tower residents and Morgan's Group in preparing to flee the area by raft as the Tower fire will release the radiation from the radioactive walkers into the air. Daniel catches a eel and explains that they will have it for dinner Travis later walks over to Daniel and asks what him and Chris talked about. Daniel Salazar (Ruben Blades) gives Lola Guerrero (Lisandra Tena) his Beretta 8000 in Season 3's finale "Sleigh Ride" (S3E16). Daniel tells her they have her at their camp and he believes their word. Daniel and J.C. patrol the streets in search of the water thief. Daniel eats in the cafeteria. "Ofelia will always be my daughter, no matter what that man had her do," Daniel said. Efran proposes using C-4 explosives to blow up the dam and release the water to the people. He gives him a necklace that belonged to his wife. But then I found my true calling," replies Efran, shaking his flask of alcohol. Daniel is still not trusting Strand as he promises to take them to the hotel. Madison realizes that theyre done and walks away. Sarah and Jacob go outside to fix it, while the rest of the group protects them from walkers, save for Daniel and Charlie who stay to watch over Riley. The next day, Daniel secretly sharpens a razor blade and pockets it, and he urges Strand not to bury Thomas in such an unholy place. Daniel remains very protective of Ofelia and constantly worries about her gun shot injury. On the day after Ofelia's death, Daniel seems to have mostly forgiven Madison. Inside the infected-filled wine cellar, Daniel pours gasoline lights it on fire. Following a near death experience, Daniel becomes Lola Guerrero 's chief security officer at the Gonzalez Dam. When Reed turns after death. Cause of Death Daniel is later seen with Ofelia, noticing that her wound is infected and expresses concern for her. Strand reveals his plans and turns the gun to Daniel who tells him he's not a killer, he's a con man. He demands to know what kind of sick joke this is and points the gun at Madison as he breaks down in tears, demanding an answer. "You ask too many questions," he says, as he plays a cassette on the boombox. Suddenly, she gets a call over the radio from the convoy about losing the oil fields and updates Daniel. Daniel smiles and drops his act, commenting that Morgan needs a haircut. Later, Daniel tells Grace he got those records for Charlie, who helped him get out of his state. When a riot erupts after the people of Los Angeles think the police are randomly killing people, unaware of how the emerging infection spreads and affects people, Travis Manawa, Liza Ortiz, and their son Chris, enter a shop. This deeply upsets Daniel. A man accuses them of controlling the dam for personal gain and scolds them for killing Dante and his group. When the two reunite once more, Daniel appears to despise Victor, refusing to give him the plane that he needs in order to help Alicia, Al, and the rest of the group, as he believes every time Victor helps people, it only makes things worse. Daniel however does not appear to be pleased with the past atrocities he has committed or was forced to commit, and regrets being the monster that he was forced to become. Daniel distracts J.C. from the fountain by directing him to Efran's hideout. He threatens Strand. Two dam workers, Pablito and Everardo, discover Daniel while cleaning out litter from a sewage pipe. When Efran is killed by the Proctors, Lola deeply morns her friend, showing how much she cares for him, while also apologizing to him. Daniel currently has the most disappearances and reappearances out of any main character in, Albeit unknowingly, Daniel is one of nine known characters to have seen. Later on the Abigail, Daniel remains silent, as a sign of respect at Liza's funeral. In "Handle With Care", Daniel states that he already lost Ofelia and wasn't going lose Charlie, showing that he's come to view her as his own daughter. The crowd disperses when an Infected herd approaches. However, Charlie insists that he go and she apparently eventually suceeds as Daniel later shows up to help them. Later, Vida brings back a tied Madison to the group. When he woke up, everyone was dead and burned. Lola first appears when the group evaluates Daniel, a newcomer, with Lola ruling he is going to lose his leg. After hearing Alicia's SOS, Daniel joins Sarah, Dwight, Luciana, June and Josiah LaRoux in going to her rescue. On cue, the plane runs out of fuel and Wendell's forced to jump out of his chair to fix it. Daniel arrives at a large trading post at a stadium to meet with Madison and Ofelia, who died from her wound before he arrives. However, he can now, having made peace with her loss finally. At the dam, Lola orders Daniel to pretend that he met her when he came begging for work. Daniel kills another Ranger, but Alicia nearly collapses from her illness and Strand insists upon getting her to the infirmary for treatment rather than continuing up. Later on, Daniel is suspicious when the servants working for Celia confiscate the group's weapons. Daniel and Lola rush to the pump room to determine why the dam water is flowing the wrong way. "Daniel is still very much suffering from the memory loss that he's been experiencing due to the post-traumatic stress of everything that's gone on with him in the . She needs him and is worried his hope will only lead to heartbreak. Lola, Efran, and others are escortedto the dam catwalk for execution. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Several of the workers immediately intervene and Daniel panics, drawing his barber's blade and slashing one of them across the face. He raised an "American" daughter, Ofelia, in the hopes that she would not have to become what he had and that she would remain innocent throughout her life. Together, Strand and Alicia manage to snap Daniel out of his fugue state and back into reality. Daniel meets Morgan and smiles when Alicia runs up to hug him. She concludes that his problem is psychological, not neurological, and says it's treatable. Because if you're wrong, if this is not true, if this is another lie it could break me--for good. He asks for space. Daniel observes the people they are helping. With his wife gone and a lack of understanding and acceptance from Ofelia, Daniel begins to mentally break down during the course of the episode. Daniel attacks and kills him and escapes. While Fear the Walking Dead does kill off characters, apparently it also likes to bring characters back. she asks. Daniel joins Morgan, Sarah and Jacob as they look for Grace in the woods. She asks about Ofelia. Unknown to Strand, he takes some instruments of the plane along. In a voiceover, Daniel explains that each weapon was logged and locked away, and that only he and Morgan had keys. He stands on the right side. During a conversation with his daughter later that night, he said he remained on the boat because he was not "invited" into the house by the Geary family, which seemed strange to Ofelia. Following directions from Al's tape, Strand locates Daniel's warehouse. It is unknown what happened to Daniel after the dam explosion, except that at some point, he found and adopted a cat named Skidmark and later was interviewed by Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki. Daniel marches toward her asking where Ofelia is. Daniel rules she is the leader of Gonzalez Dam and is the new "Dante". Later, as Wes prepares to execute a captured Strand and Alicia, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes' two guards. As of Ofelia's death, Daniel is the last surviving member of. Lucy volunteers to scout the area with Wes, Alicia and Al. Daniel anticipates Victor's return and attempt to steal the plane and disables it to prevent Victor from succeeding. At that moment, Strand and Alicia arrive looking for Daniel's help to turn off the beacon, warning him that it's drawing a herd to the Tower who will kill everyone outside if they don't turn off the light. Strand guns them down. Lola holds out her hand to Daniel. He says if they hand over his journal he'll help them find it. It's a day away. Efran is willing to give him water but they have to walk, which Daniel agrees to. Don't you ever stop," before moving on. He adds a few more to the list when he . She tells Daniel that he should be a dead man as she tends to his wound. She baits her by telling her if a dead baby would turn inside her belly. He is left considerably shaken as Celia tries to get him to contemplate making peace with the dead. Daniel is shown to take a liking to Chris during his stay at the Clark home, teaching him about guns and how different ammo so he will be prepared to use one if he has to. Nick leaves and Daniel sits alone with his thoughts. Daniel comes upon Lola's body on the bridge with a note on it. Lola questions whether or not he is going to go back with Madison to see Ofelia, Daniel vows to fulfill his promise to Lola by staying at the dam, he believes Ofelia is better off without him. Daniel finds Celia praying near a monument with the same symbol on it as Luis' pendant. He accuses Strand of stealing all the weapons. After Alicia returns with Morgan's group, the two are reunited for the first time in years and Daniel expresses his condolences for Alicia's losses. Strand insists that he's only finishing what Luciana started and he's willing to continue the manipulation of Daniel if it's what keep the Tower standing. He insists when they find her, though, there will be nothing they can do. She hints at her disapproval of his water distribution system. Daniel is later present when they find aircraft luggage on a nearby island. Daniel doubts Strand's story, causing Strand to lash out, and tells Daniel to kill him now if he wants to. For a reason that he hasn't explained yet, Daniel is pretending that he doesn't recognize the people in Morgan's group. Liza is reluctantly convinced to go with the soldiers as well. When the group boards the Abigail, it seems that Ofelia and Daniels relationship is at relatively good terms again. Daniel tells Madison to keep talking to Vida as a distraction as he attempts to loose the binds. Strand and Alicia run off to turn off the lighthouse beacon, leaving Daniel to keep Wes from reanimating. Daniel watches Strand's increasing stress to get the filtration system up and running. She is going to trade water for guns and ammo and asks Daniel how many guns and munitions they will need to protect the dam. As the group escapes from the mess hall, Daniel and Ofelia stop Liza to find out where Griselda is. He asks her to look after Charlie if anything ever happens to him, and she agrees. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts He later witness the aftermath of the attack on a sailing boat, and stands on guard with the shotgun in hand again. Madison asks Vida if the baby is moving. Daniel's suspicion of Strand grows, as he orders him to drive through the herd. The leader elects there is nothing here. Strand helps Efran treat Everado's wound. Daniel is extremely cautious around those he does not trust, such as Victor Strand and appears to be highly skilled at identifying a potential threat from body language and social cues. Dakota recalls Virginia saying that the enemy was laying low. After discovering the corpse of Efran Morales, an enraged and heartbroken Lola goes out on the dam and shoots several of the Proctors before she is shot through the back and the head by Proctor John. She is the former chief water utility officer and later leader of the Gonzalez Dam community. By Kristi Roe-Owen / June 30, 2022 1:14 pm EDT. Charlie recognizes it and the two begin to bond. Daniel can't say that he is, so Luciana decides they will go to the place Rollie wants. [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Sunday's episode of Fear the Walking Dead, "VIP."]. Pre-ApocalypseChief Water Utility Officer for the Gonzalez DamPost-ApocalypseLeader of the Gonzalez Dam TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA . Daniel is a highly intelligent, caring, cautious, and formidable man who is a strong, determined survivor. While there he plays a cassette on the boombox. When Luis mentions that they cannot cross the boarder without Strand, Daniel tells him they don't need him as Luis tells him back without Strand they're not going to Mexico. She climbs up the ladder and leaves. Daniel abandons Strand and walks away. In the present, Daniel sits in the cell. Madison asks Lola for water in exchange for resources such as cattle or guns. She tells him that Alicia went off on her own. He talks to Griselda and reflects on all of the people hes killed. Daniel mockingly tells the Ranger that this is happening to him because you always handcuff a person in the back, not the front like the man had done with Daniel. She realizes the entrance in unprotected. This season be nothing they can use Reed 's relationship to Connor as leverage over.... 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