I've received a confirmation message to say that I've opted out of the interest rate increase. By leaving the contractual minimum payment unchanged, it gives you the flexibility to pay more when you can. @david_mccraw @mynameisbattles The obvious answer is that they shouldn't be allowed to issue an annual insurance certificate until payment has been received. We have a couple of Direct Debit options for you: Will a Minimum Payment Direct Debit repay my Buy Now Pay Later Plans? If you have any Buy Now, Pay Later plans that start and end before the rate change, the Deferred Interest will be charged at your current interest rate. Can I repay more than my Direct Debit each month? @FinlayRegan argos card unable to process payment. It's shown on the front of your statement each month. Did anyone else used to use Argos as a free tool hire place? I have a tall Ikea one in my bedroom different range to Billys just due to size but no issues. Is anyone else having issues with Argos??? I quote: " This is because the payment will be rejected by Argos as no order has been placed, this payment then gets placed into Paypals holding account. When you make a payment that's not to a specific plan we will apply the payment as per the terms of your agreement with us (which is as follows): If you do not pay off the full outstanding balance on your account in a month, any payments made by you will be applied to your account (including any overdue Payment Plan balances) by firstly clearing the: (a) Monthly scheduled instalment due under any Fixed Payment Plan; and then (b) Monthly scheduled instalment due under any Interest Free Plan; and then (c) full amount of any Buy Now Pay Later Plan due to expire before the end of your next statement period. What happens if I am unable to increase my payments? Visa Debit, MasterCard Debit or Maestro) and press Make A Payment when you're logged in. Why is my payment not showing on my account? Was told issue escalated and nothing. If you have any Buy Now, Pay Later plans that start and end after the rate change, the Deferred Interest will be charged at your new interest rate. Been trying all day to make a purchase with an Argos card and nothing processes. If we ask you to call us, please do call as soon as you can - 03456 400 700 . Occasionally we might need to speak to you about your account before you can log in. What does this mean? If you can afford to pay off all the plans then you may want to consider clearing the balances. Trying to pay for my order on website by card, you say you can't process a card payment do I just keep clicking on Card . Argos card doesn't work online, anyone know why? Monthly payments should be treated like credit. Called up c/service and they reimbursed points/money. @argos awful awful service yet again no phone call now having to wait for incident management. You may also fall into 'persistent debt' (see Persistent Debt below) meaning we need to take steps to encourage you to pay more. You can make payments to the plan at any time - it's up to you. How would you know how the milker was not working correctly if not used? If you're using browsers older than Chrome 28, Firefox 27, Microsoft Edge 12, Safari 7. If we've not been able to do that by the end of the third business day after we've received your complaint, we'll communicate to you to acknowledge this is being investigated further. Remember, if you don't want your rate to change you can get in touch with us to close your account on your existing rate, but you won't be able to spend on your Argos Card again. Error message on argos! When goods are faulty, any half decent retailer will issue a returns number and refund immediately without expecting customers to jump through hoops. My Buy Now Pay Later Plan ends soon, and I dont know how Im going to afford to pay off the balance. Now mid Saturday morning and no idea when it's being delivered. Your Login ID is the unique username you chose when you registered for myargoscard.co.uk (it's a bit like a username). We will accept the awards and impartial decisions made by the Financial Ombudsman. There could be a few reasons why your payment's not working, so let's check a few things first. If you've got a Normal Credit balance, the interest that might be charged from that is included in your estimated interest figure. @ArgosHelpers Hi. Credit subject to status. @BruntonShaan Limited website function in Ireland and delayed services will always be an issue. My Buy Now Pay Later Plan ends soon, and I don't know how I'm going to afford to pay off the balance You don't have to pay the balance off in full when your plan ends. Find out more about Persistent Debt here. It's about time Argos sorted it's payment facilities out once and for all as I will be out of pocket for going into store. If you ask us to make any changes to your Direct Debit (amount, bank account or date) in the 5 working days before your next payment date, the changes may not take effect until the following payment due date. Up to 1% of orders experience technical problems (a lot of orders!) If I've registered for the My Argos Card App, am I registered for myargoscard.co.uk? - Caity, Page last updated by Enter the CVV2 number from the back of the card in the 'Security code' box. Whenever you ask for a new credit limit (either an increase or decrease) we look at a number of things before we can change it. @ArgosHelpers I'm sorry Jack. @Argos_Online Thank you for your help. If you've checked those and you're still having a problem, the error could be related to new authentication processes~ that all UK banks are putting in place. You can contact us on 0345 601 0798 about your options at any time. but no warning when ordering. Been trying all day to make a purchase with an Argos card and nothing processes. It depends how much you can pay off towards a plan and when your plans were started. Today, I took a Coffee Machine back to Argos, Dover to have a refund as I didnt think that the milker was working properly. Please don't put it off, it really is easier to deal with if you change your payment habits as quickly as possible. Stay away and avoid, not very helpful at all. @ArgosHelpers I'm having problems with my Argos gift card what do I do. @Argos_Online is Argos online site down? I've received a letter from you that says my account could be suspended. FONT-SIZE: 14px; OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-TOP: black 1px solid; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; BORDER-RIGHT: black 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: black 1px solid; WORD-BREAK: normal; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: black 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px If your account isn't suspended and you make further purchases on your Argos Card, you should be aware that your repayments will increase too. When you buy your product you'll be able to spread the cost for up to 12 months without being charged interest. @Philip37937 Please help! How will I know when my Argos Card account is not in Persistent Debt? @CJrpeake - Caity. If you make only the Minimum Payment each month it'll take you longer and cost you more to clear your balance so feel free to repay as much as you want to in addition to your Minimum Payment Direct Debit. @Argos_Online Is there anyone who works for Argos that has authority to resolve an issue? If you have set up a repayment arrangement to clear the arrears on your account, then you don't need to increase your payments at the moment. Where can I use my Argos Card? @SkyHelpIreland my sky remote is not working! Where you have two or more Buy Now Pay Later Plans due to expire after your next statement period, these will be repaid in the order in which they are due to expire, starting with the Buy Now Pay Later Plan that is due to expire first. Users having issues with points not added, Argos, Ebay & Esso to name a few. FONT-SIZE: x-small; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; TEXT-ALIGN: left Your current Argos Card terms and conditions will continue to apply, you'll still receive your monthly statements, and youll need to make at least your minimum monthly payments at your current rate. We will also try to make sure that we fix the root cause of problems so that we dont make similar mistakes again. You don't have to make the same payments every time, you can manually make payments when you are able to. Mobile Safari 5 or Opera 20, then you might find you have problems using this site. No, you haven't done anything wrong. @ArgosHelpers I have held it for at least 2 years. What's Normal Credit? @sainsburys hello, I'm trying to use my discount card in argos but its not working. Why can we not phone and speak with a competent person. Product not as advertised. Try making the purchase again with a different . @brettclaxton Thats the problem. What should I do? It's critical that we have current contact details for you - occasionally we might need to tell you about critical changes to your account (updates to your terms and conditions, changes to APR etc) and if we don't have your details then we can't contact you. @markzwol Argos & mandate have always worked well so hopefully a good package can help the blow. The APR is intended to help you compare different offers. I've recently changed my name. National Debtline also helps people to budget and look for ways to increase their income. If you think this is happening to you or someone you care about, here's how to get help. Why is that? I made a payment to a plan but the payment has gone towards a different plan. It's worth remembering that this process can take up to a month. If you pay off some of the balance during the plan, you'll see on your subsequent statements that the Potential Deferred Interest reduces. Hi. Can I use a credit card to make a payment? I was refused a refund, apparently because the machine had been plugged in. I don't think I'm in Persistent Debt. } @adcouriers Can I register again? Use a valid debit card (e.g. Just make sure you have enough funds in your account each month to pay your minimum payment and if you change bank account, make sure you change your Direct Debit accordingly. You can also find out more information about how to set up Fixed Payment and Full Statement Balance Direct Debits HERE. I've forgotten my details. Give us a call on 0345 640 0700 to discuss this in confidence. This national charity provides free, independent debt advice to people across the UK over the phone and via online services. If you go over your credit limit you may be charged a 12 fee which is detailed in your terms and conditions. The same encryption also occurs when we display screens back to you. Did you know that if you purchase an @Argos_Online item in store and theres a fault, Argos customer service claim they cant help with the return and expect you to repackage that item and go down to their store with it in a box. However, there's no direct link between your credit score and your account being in Persistent Debt. It's important to note that, as a store card, you can't use an Argos Card at any other outlets. If you change Bank account and don't let us know we might be trying to take money from your old bank account. I wouldn't buy any electrical goods from @Argos_Online again. Ive tried multiple times. Why am I asked to call you when I try to log in? Usually things get back to normal quickly but sometimes the situation can get worse and positive action is required - the remedies are often simple. Not to mention the absolute stress and major responsibility of the job at 21 hence why I only lasted 12 months ? If you've forgotten all of your login details, give us a call and we'll help OR download the My Argos Card App and manage your account on your phone or tablet. If it isn't, update it in the Payments center, then try your purchase again. You must pay your minimum payment before the due date each month, which will be at least 25 days after your statement date. @afuturesound It is common for some problems to be reported throughout the day. @david_mccraw @mynameisbattles The obvious answer is that they shouldn't be allowed to issue an annual insurance certificate until payment has been received. Why am I being told that my details can't be found when I'm trying to register? Just a couple of notes if you're thinking about changing your Direct Debit details: What day is my Direct Debit taken? @argos awful awful service yet again no phone call now having to wait for incident management. ~ Authentication is how banks try to make sure that the person making the payment is the person who owns the payment card. Why can we not phone and speak with a competent person. Complete the rest of the form as requested and hit PAY NOW. If you wish to make any additional specific payments you can ask us to direct these in a specific way to meet your needs. 12 if you do not make your minimum payment on time; 12 for a returned payment, for example, a failed Direct Debit. That's why we encourage you to pay more than the minimum payment if you can afford to, as this will help you to repay your balance faster and pay less interest. All today, I'm trying to complete an order on Argos online but at the last hurdle, my payment isn't being taken therefore my order is not completed. @Argos and @johnniewalker_ are major culprits. Lillian. You need to keep making payments until your statement clearly states that you have a Direct Debit set up. Seller (Argos) says MS need to fix it. If you're still concerned about being able to repay your Normal Credit balance, give us a call on 03456 400 700 and we can discuss the options available to you. How do I update my account? You can look on your latest statement (go to View Statements when you log in) or we'll tell you on your Account Summary. If you pay off your Plan before the end date, no interest will be charged if you keep your account up to date. We want to help you, so please contact us on 0345 601 0798 if you want to talk about Persistent Debt. If you've sent us a text but haven't received either a confirmation or error message, call us on 0345 608 0152 so we can make sure your request has been logged and start the closure process. No - the Minimum Payment Direct Debit will repay any payments that you owe each month, so these will consist of Normal Credit balance repayments and any scheduled payments that repay Fixed Payment or Interest Free Plans. Do you have a phone number for Sky so l can check suitably before l buy one? We're here to help if you've recently lost someone close to you. Once your arrangement has ended, please call us on 0345 601 0798 so we can then discuss your Persistent Debt repayment options with you. Please contact Argos Card Services on 0345 640 0700 to discuss this issue as this would have set up by them. Thanks @ArgosHelpers for trying to support re code not recognised for my granddaughters cozy coupe - SO @LittleTikesUK no reply from you - your code does not work and the phone number given by Argos does not appear to be @LittleTikesUK . @_sarahxla Think its something my end stopping the delivery date selection, or their end, but i got it sorted, just went to the store, was hardly anybody about, so only took about 5 minutes. Ive tried multiple times. Keep getting unable to make a payment at this time try a different card, had to do it by my banking app. @standup33980454 } Your payment history will show on your credit file and can affect your credit score. Be the first to know the next time Argos goes down. Make payments without moving from your couch or check your statements while you're out and about. Even the cheapo one for my tbr works well. @mylilbookhome Argos ones are good. Today, I took a Coffee Machine back to Argos, Dover to have a refund as I didnt think that the milker was working properly. If you can, you should try to take action to move your account out of Persistent Debt. Why can't I make one-off payments to Fixed Payment or Interest Free plans? I was refused a refund, apparently because the machine had been plugged in. If you wish to make a complaint you can do so by making contact through any of the channels listed here: We hope to resolve issues as soon as were informed. Ta ta. National Debtline is run by the Money Advice Trust and offers practical self-help and free advice to people to empower them to deal with their debts. Just log in and press Direct Debit in the left-hand navigation, then press Cancel Direct Debit. If you've received a letter from us about this issue, then your account meets that definition and you need to consider taking action. Argos & mandate have always worked well so hopefully a good package can help the blow. I've sent a text to opt out of the interest rate increase and received an error message. If you need to send your payment in the post, please allow extra time for this to reach us. We are committed to resolving your complaint to your satisfaction and hope that together we can reach an agreement. Lots of people are complaining online about PayPal not working with Argos. We may be able to offer you support and we'll look at the options available to help you keep up with repayments. Further proof that Argos has no customer service at all!! Just Bots that are stupid refusing to recognise issues????? @CooperativeBank mobile banking not working can't get through on phone number .tried tesco and argos says contact bank what's going on, @Barbara250254 Call charges may vary please check with your provider. How do I register? How do you rate Argos over the past 3 months? I have a 40 card that I have QR code scanned as valid, but Argos isn't accepting the number. @ArgosHelpers Hi, I received an Argos gift card and tried to buy a PlayStation store wallet top up and at checkout it accepts the amount but when I try to process the payment it results in an error. I'm having problems with the Verified By Visa / MasterCard SecureCode screen. @ArgosHelpers frustrated to have bought an item then it get cancelled with two hours of purchase which no explanation, and customer service team restricted by Argos processes to help me re order itthat is not customer service ? Have I done anything wrong if I receive a letter about Persistent Debt? If I've got a Fixed Amount Direct Debit, what happens if the balance shown on my statement is less than the Fixed Amount? Fill out all the required information (Name . @opussinepar Omg thus Country has become a failure in every aspect. Whilst these options could affect your credit file, it's worth considering them carefully if you need additional help with making repayments. This is so that you can either confirm that you're still able to make increased monthly payments, or so that you can let us know if your circumstances have changed. Can I opt out of the interest rate increase and close my account on MyArgosCard.co.uk or by using the App? Call their free debt advice helpline or visit. Use the [back to top] links to get back to the full list of questions if you need to. Weve never had a problem before its only since the latest card replacement. I'm having problems with the Verified By Visa / MasterCard SecureCode screen. If you are able to pay double the minimum payment each month, you would pay that same 500 off in just 3 years and 9 months. There's no annual fee for the card. You are required to make at least your minimum monthly contractual payment as detailed in your statement and this will be applied to your account in the order stated above. Or, you can decide to spread the cost even further. @angusacampbell The stores in question are in Central Scotland. If after that you still get an error message, call us on 0345 608 0152 so we can make sure your request has been logged and start the closure process. Also Asda/Argos neither have ustomer phone Service. The amount you owe and the payment due date are shown in your statement each month as well as on your account summary on myargoscard.co.uk and in the My Argos Card App. If you decide not to pay off the plan by the end date, we'll move the remaining amount to your Normal Credit balance. @ArgosHelpers I have held it for at least 2 years. @rfallon Poor service -advice please! I did send a private message and received an automated answer from a bot!! You can - just enter your Card number and expiry date from your final Argos Card. Via Of course. Were sorry to hear youre having issues with your Argos Card. Cleared cookies, cache and tried on different devices and browsers. Please also bear in mind that if your account remains in Persistent Debt, we may need to take other actions, such as suspending on your account from further spending, to help protect you from getting into further debt. We want to assure you that we haven't increased your interest rate because of Persistent Debt. What does this mean? @Argos_Online Is your online flexecard system (Love2 Shop) not working? @lizwhiteoak How quickly is it set up? Can you help, please? Uninterested overseas personnel, all chatting in the background. This chart shows a view of problem reports submitted in the past 24 hours compared to the typical volume of reports by time of day. all disney creepypasta; argos card unable to process payment. I'm sorry you're having problems getting your VAT receipt. You're not tied in to paying a higher amount all the time. If you only have Buy Now Pay Later plans and a Minimum Payment Direct Debit there's no payment to take. Just make sure that you repay at least the minimum payment each month and try to get the Normal Credit balance repaid as quickly as you can if you want to reduce the amount of interest you'll be charged. I'm afraid you will need to contact Argos directly about this. "I would like my payment automatically allocated" - choose how much you want to pay in total and we will allocate that total against the plan or plans that are due to incur the most interest. How do I log in? Can I register again? Patient Information (Required) *All fields required*. Poor service -advice please! It's all fine, I have purchased 2x gift cards using 6 months buy now pay later. Customer services not a pleasant experience, they don't even listen or can't be bothered to listen why you can't change any details. Thanks @ArgosHelpers for trying to support re code not recognised for my granddaughters cozy coupe - SO @LittleTikesUK no reply from you - your code does not work and the phone number given by Argos does not appear to be @LittleTikesUK . How can I get help with paying my Normal Credit balance? REMEMBER: If you pay off your Buy Now Pay Later Plan IN FULL before it ends you won't be charged any Deferred Interest on the plan balance. @garrettdonnelly @Sums_World The Argos model is no longer sustainable. .tg { The Ombudsman offers a free independent service, but before they look at your complaint, they will ask you to give us the opportunity to put things right for you. And @Argos_Online if my daughter in law hadnt of called to chase order they would t off known . No-one can be forced to accept a credit card as a payment for a debt. (Please ensure that you provide all of your details relevant to your Argos Card account). There's nothing you need to do as the funds will appear back in your account within five days depending on your card issuer. It's also a choice you need to make, to increase your payments and resolve this situation or not. @ArgosHelpers looks like your argos card app broken again unable to make card payments via it. You will be charged interest on this amount which will be backdated to the date of purchase. #argos #CustomerService #customerexperience. What should I do? I attempted to purchase something from Argos today for 503.95 and the payment was taken but there was an issue on the Argos website meaning my order didn't go through. Not Argos either. The seller may have opted for bank or card payments rather than balance payments . Options Ward123232 Contributor Posted on Dec-08-2016 01:41 PM We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Like desktop devices, Adobe Reader is the most popular app for this. If you choose to spread the cost over a longer period, then you will be charged Deferred Interest on any balance remaining at the end of your plan, which you pay as part of your minimum monthly payment. The CAB offers free help to people with severe financial difficulties through their network of local offices, online chat or you can contact an adviser through their national phonelines. @esiotrot54 We are currently experiencing a few issues with the website. I purchased a tablet from Argos on 12 Feb for 225. Attention now has to go to staff with todays news. Called up c/service and they reimbursed points/money. If you remember your Login ID but you've forgotten your Memorable Word or Security Number, log in as normal (enter Login ID & Surname and press Next) but on the second page press Forgotten Your Security Details and follow the instructions. If you haven't registered you will need to do that first, and you can do that HERE, If you've forgotten your Login ID, go HERE. What should I do? Can I change my Direct Debit details? If anyone contacts you to ask for your login details (Login ID, Memorable Word or Security Number) for security reasons then do not hand them over. It can take up to a month to close your account and it might take up to another month for your credit file to update. Payments can sometimes take up to 5 working days to show on your account depending how you make the payment (see here for more info). I won't be ordering online from them again. The Potential Deferred Interest will be shown as soon as your plan appears on your Statement. When you get in touch with us, we will make a note of which option you've chosen and monitor your account to make sure that you're paying what you need to. @misslucyhughes If you've received a letter or email from us about this issue, then we believe this affects you. @David47203456 I called Financial Services but no one picked up. How do I get past it? Downdetector only reports an incident when the number of problem reports is significantly higher than the typical volume for that time of day. How might the proposed Royal Mail strike affect my Argos Card? Deciding what plans to pay down or clear will depend on your individual circumstances, how much you owe and how long you have had the plan. You can change your bank details here online. How Deferred Interest is included as part of your Minimum Payment?'). @KyleOR1984 @PaulQuinnNews @VirginMediaNews Absolutely. Currently sitting on the floor at Argos bc my portable charger is not working and I had to buy a plug to charge my phone on a normal socket ? @mylilbookhome Argos ones are good. Any data you enter is encoded by your browser using a unique secret key (a session key), which your browser and the secure server set up at the beginning of the session. How will I know when my Argos Card account is not in Persistent Debt? We'll write to you at the end of that period with details of any further action you may need to take. @argos is the online payment service down ? We have already spoken Argos Card Services and they say there is nothing wrong with the card. How would you know how the milker was not working correctly if not used? Your Memorable Word is essentially your password - something only you'll know. @MartinSLewis Have you considered asking @Argos_Online about their 'stuck' orders. Can I cancel my Direct Debit?
